The Pelican Women's Championship website

The Pelican Women's Championship brings the greatest female professional golfers in the world to the Tampa-Clearwater area during the LPGA tour.

Pelican Women’s Golf Championship
The Pelican Women's Championship website


Our team took on the exciting task of redesigning the website for the Pelican Women's Championship, a prestigious event in the LPGA tour, held in the Tampa-Clearwater area.

With a focus on showcasing the breathtaking golf course and top-notch facilities, our goal was to create a website that reflects the event's high standards and provides an exceptional user experience.

By analyzing the market, studying competitors, and understanding client and customer needs, we aimed to stand out from the competition and drive ticket sales.

See those green fields of Pelican

The Pelican Women's Championship website


  • The existing website did not effectively capture the beauty and quality of the golf course and facilities.
  • The website structure and content needed improvement to enhance user engagement and ticket purchasing experience.
  • The website lacked a distinctive brand identity that differentiated it from competitors.

Research and analysis

We conducted market research and competitor analysis to gain insights into the professional golf landscape and identify areas of opportunity.

We listened to client needs and balanced them with the goals of potential ticket buyers. By understanding the target audience, we aimed to create a website that resonated with their interests and motivations.

Design process

  1. We audited the existing website, addressing structural and content-related issues.
  2. We selected captivating images that showcased the stunning views and created an emotional connection with potential attendees.
  3. Leveraging new brand guidelines, we designed a dynamic layout that set the client apart from competitors.
  4. The focus was on creating a fresh and clean design that allowed the content and imagery to take center stage.

Implementation and results

The implementation phase involved transforming the design into a fully functional website. The result is an engaging and user-friendly platform that showcases the Pelican Women's Championship effectively.

The redesigned website has had the following positive impact:

  • Increased User Engagement: Visitors spend more time exploring the website, immersing themselves in the captivating imagery and informative content.
  • Improved Ticket Sales: The streamlined ticket purchasing process has led to an increase in ticket sales as visitors can easily find the information they need and make informed decisions.
  • Enhanced Brand Identity: The dynamic layout and distinctive design have helped establish a strong brand identity for the Pelican Women's Championship, setting it apart from competitors in the industry.
The Pelican Women's Championship website


The redesigned website captures the essence of the Pelican Women's Championship by providing a visually stunning and user-friendly experience.

Key design solutions include:

  • Enhanced Imagery: Through carefully selected and high-quality photographs, the website evokes an emotional reaction, giving visitors a glimpse into the excitement and beauty of the golf course.
  • Streamlined Ticket Purchasing: The website prioritizes the ticket purchasing experience, making it easy for visitors to find daily event information, choose the best ticket options, and access information about logistics and directions.
  • Clear and Simple Layout: The website features a clean and intuitive layout, allowing users to navigate effortlessly and find the information they need. The structure is designed to provide a clear understanding of the event and its offerings.


Through a comprehensive redesign process, we successfully transformed the website for the Pelican Women's Championship, creating a visually stunning and user-friendly platform.

The website now effectively captures the beauty of the golf course and facilities, provides an exceptional ticket purchasing experience, and establishes a distinctive brand identity.

The project's success is evident in increased user engagement, improved ticket sales, and positive feedback from visitors. The redesigned website positions the Pelican Women's Championship as a premier event in the LPGA tour and reinforces its reputation for excellence and unforgettable experiences.

Heather Lynch - Project Manager at DyrectLync

We cannot recommend Gytis and Indre more highly. Their designs for our LPGA Tournament turned out better than we could have asked for and our client said it's the best-looking site on the Professional Tour. Their attention to detail, ability to hit deadlines and wonderful communication made them a pleasure to work with.  We would be lucky to work with them again!
